
prt5-file parser for NIST's Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS)

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This program reads a prt5-file (tested with FDS Version 5.5 and FDS 6.0) and writes the pedestrian's trajectories to an output file in the following format

frame index x y z

alternatively one can also output the following format:

time index x y z

Change in the code the lines 171 and 172


f95  -cpp -DOS  -o parser read_prt5.f90


gfortran   -DOS  -o parser read_prt5.f90

where OS is whether UNIX or WIN depending on your system. Passing this preprocessor directive is important, because in the code the output file is sorted using system-specific commands (sort, move, ...)

With Visual Studio the definition of OS is by passing a /D. See the documentation here.


In a terminal give

./parser input_filename.prt5 output_filename.txt


There are no special requirements. Obviosly you will need to have a fortran compiler installed. :-)

In Debian/Ubuntu

   sudo apt-get install gfortran

should be enough.

Plot scripts

For convenience some plot scripts are provided in the directory scripts.

Does it work?

This parser has been tested with GNU Fortran (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.4.4-14 ubuntu5.1) and Debian 7.2. See also the examples in the directory ptr5_files.

I have no idea if it will work when compiled with other compilers. Since, I do not use FDS, I don't even know if this parser ALWAYS works.

If you have a file that makes it fail, please open an issue.

Check also the example and the movie in the wiki showing an evacuation of a stadium vometory.

Maintained by M. Chraibi   •   Hosted on GitHub   •   2016